Getting Your Own Matte Styled Nails – DIY

One nail art that most women go for is the matte nail polish; it has a non glossy finish that seems like a frosted glass. It doesn’t have a shine that makes it look very simple, that makes it look different. You can get it from nail salons that would give you a great look, but if you want to try this look without spending money, you can always do this stylish look on your own. Just get the following tools you need and follow the steps on how to do it listed below. Materials that you will need: To be able to do your own matte nail polish, you will need to get the following material below. ü Nail Polish Remover ü Nail Polish (any color) ü Corn Starch ü Q – Tips (pointy) ü Scotch Tape or Painter’s Tape ü Small Scissors ü A Piece of Stick ü Paper Plate These will be the tools that you need to get your matte nails done. Each item will have their specific use to get a great result. Once you have these f...