3991 Newport Electric Facial Table and chairs

3991 Newport Electric Facial Table

+1 855 429 7334

Newport Electric Facial Table and chairs from pedisource.com

Newport Electric Facial Table and chairs from pedisource.com

Electric-hydraulic treatment chair with three actuators that synchronize cushion movements. Base cover hides unsightly frame and parts. 3-actuators sync cushion movements with minimal vibration Extendable headrest and foot cushion Swing-away arms allow for easy mounting and dismounting Hands-free foot switches easily controls positioning Heavy gauge welded metal, powder coated frame Max load: 500lbs 1-Yr Limited Warranty

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3991 Newport Electric Facial Table from pedisource.com

3991 Newport Electric Facial Table

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Call us to Buy now 770-875-2599
+1 855 429 7334


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